
Requesters primarily manage Projects and Batches. The projects contain the user interface of tasks defined in an HTML template. The batches are created with CSV files that define the data of the tasks. Requesters can also create user accounts for workers and assign them to groups.

Turkle admin

Creating groups

A group contains a set of workers. Projects can be restricted to particular groups. Create a group from the administration home by clicking on the Add button for Groups, entering a unique group name, and selecting the workers that belong in the group.

Creating users

To create worker user accounts, click the Add button for Users and enter their information. Workers can be also be assigned to groups on this page.

Creating projects

It is best that you design the HTML template with an editor first before creating the project. There are example templates in the examples directory and documentation in the template guide. When you click on the Add button for Projects, you will be able to upload the template and configure other aspects of the project. The user interface defined by the template cannot be previewed until a batch of tasks are created. When creating a new project, you will often want to set the project to be inactive until you have perfected the template and previewed it.

Creating batches

A batch of tasks is created from a CSV file. There are multiple ways to get to the page for adding a new batch. We recommend viewing all projects and then clicking the Publish Tasks button for the project. Then upload the CSV file and set its attributes. Upon saving the batch, you will see a preview of the tasks created.

Downloading results

To download the annotations of a batch of tasks, navigate to the Batches page in the administration site. For each batch, there are buttons for downloading the results as a CSV file.

Batch list

Output CSV Format

Each row of the CSV results file contains the template variable input fields, the Worker-submitted form fields, and some metadata fields. For each template variable ${foo}, the CSV file will contain a column named For each submitted form field named bar, the CSV file will contain a column named The CSV file will also have the fields:

  • HITId - Task ID
  • HITTypeId - Project ID
  • Title - Project name
  • CreationTime - Time when the Task was created from CSV input file
  • MaxAssignments - Number of requested Assignments per Task
  • AssignmentDurationInSeconds - Amount of time before a Task Assignment expires
  • AssignmentId - Task Assignment ID
  • WorkerId
  • AcceptTime - Time when User accepted an Assignment for a Task
  • SubmitTime - Time when User submitted an Assignment for a Task
  • WorkTimeInSeconds - Length of time between when User accepted a Task Assignment and when User submitted that Assignment
  • Turkle.Username - Username of User who completed Assignment

Scripts for requesters

Adding users

The scripts/ script adds a single user. Run it with the -h option for details.

The script/ script reads a CSV file to add users to Turkle. The file must be formatted like:


To support password resets, add an additional column for email address:


Adding tasks

With an HTML template file and a CSV Batch file, use the script/ script to:

  • create a new Project using the HTML template file, and
  • publish a Batch of Tasks using the rows of the CSV file

If you have already created a Project using an HTML template, you should use the admin UI to publish additional Batches of Tasks.

Downloading results

The scripts/ script downloads all Tasks that have been completed into a directory that the user selects.